Home of the Merry Hell Series of Books
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Blog Post 100!!! - What else is there?

So you’ve discovered the world of Merry Hell. What else is there, you ask yourself? Well… there’s the histories. Ever read any of those? They’re part of the blog. Perhaps you might enjoy them. What are they about, you ask? Well… and I take a big breath here. They go something like this:

The year of mice - The straightening of roads - The colour yellow is outlawed - The Great Library fire of Gurdendorf - The Disappearance of the fifth legion - The sculpture ‘Keith’ is unveiled - The Great Armada invades the Butterfly Islands - The Birth of King Eadred II - The writing of Gurden’s greatest ever sonnets - ‘Reel’ tennis is invented - War declared on the Clock Islands - Invention of circular glass looking devices - The final game of Muder Ball is played - The Great Candle famine ends - Cardinal Benedetto il Cavolo is arrested - The Trooping of the Colour fiasco - Invention of the printing press - The Religious Battle of Serenity - The Great Confusion, a military blunder - First official trench dug in the war between Gurden and the Empire - The death of Prime Minster Grey - Invention of the improved clockwork time piece - Dr Kent is sentenced to death for being a resurrectionist - The Manchu religious fraud - Creation of the phrase ‘cut off your nose to spite your face’ - The day of King Raoul’s birth - The birth of Sergeant Maxwell Diddley - The famous picture, ‘Madam with hat and odd smile,’ stolen - The Minister of State sacked - The discovery of electricity - The birth of Mucus Slime - Invention of the obscura camera, and by association, the pornographic industry - Discovery of Watergas - Eminent ‘head’ doctor is killed by a patient - The banning of Prussic Blue - Nobbling of Royal Northwall Races - The end of seven month Flu epidemic - The birth of Squires - Invention of the steam powered mousetrap - Anasethic discovered by Dr. Lamebrain - Rogerson is imprisoned - The death of Commander Alexander Braveheart - Gurden’s experiments with firedust…

And Breathe… In short, a collection of the biggest misfits, nutters and ne’er-do-wells; spanning hundreds of years of Gurden history, collecting into one place events from the benign to the cataclysmic. What’s more there are many, many more to come. Although I can’t promise, I try to put out a new history every week on Thursday. By doing so I want to build up a picture of my world that no single novel could ever do.  Where it will lead, I haven’t the foggiest. But if you want some background information on the people, places and history of my books, look no further.

Who thought history could be this fun?