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This day in history - 16:09:1116.4

16:09:1116.4 On this day came an end to the Great Mage Wars of Gurdendorf. In fact, it was less a war and more a heated argument with rude hand gestures.  The Mage Wars were actually a twenty-five year tussle between Gurdendorf’s two leading Universities. The Enlightened Brethren of the Sacred Candle and the Dark Monks of the Secret Way. Each university had sort to be the leading establishment to train wizards, mages and spell casters; when in fact they were an outlet to exasperated families who pushed unwanted sons and daughters towards a life of education and training. Both institutions had fought a centuries old battle of words until eventually, open warfare erupted in the form of a punch up down the Rose & Crown.  Battle-lines were drawn as sacred fire was thrown and spells fired between the two warring groups. That’s what the history books would have you believe. 

In fact, there was a lot of shouting in the street, a chair was thrown through a window, some one’s horse was stolen and a load of pizza’s were ordered maliciously on a wizard’s personal spending account. The ‘war’ came to a height when a drunk student tossed a burning torch through the window of the Dark Monk’s dining room. 

Eventually, the local populace had had enough and raided the offending dorm-rooms of the students and took their money bags.  Without adequate drinking funds, the fire’s of injustice were soon quelled within the student ranks and the war was declared a tie. An exchange program was introduced to gather with a series of amateur dramatic gatherings to help foster amicable ties. An annual comedy festival, ‘the Torchlights’ was set up where vailed insults could be thrown at each other in safety. Actual fighting was confided to the sports pitch where a round of soccer match takes place to this day… Although there’s currently an argument about who’s in the lead and who owes who for the bar bill afterwards.