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This day in history - 16:05:1267.4

16:05:1267.4 On this day Professor Helmet Stump commissioned Whale Thruster I by sending it out on its first scientific mission.  The event ended in total disaster, with the loss of all hands. Eye witnesses aboard the fishing boat, Prunella, claimed the wooden submarine was lost when it was dragged below the water by an over-amorous Cetacea. Others have since spurned this account, stating they very much doubted that a fisherman would know the Phylum, Class and Order of whales. All that is known is Professor Stump’s remaining staff walked out the very next day, citing ‘hygiene in the work place’ complaints and a lack of proper safety controls. The Professor was, therefore, forced to undertake the construction of Whale Thruster II by himself. With endless shouts and curses at his retreating workforce, he bellowed after them that he was at least eighty-seven percent sure where he went wrong with the first craft The adventures of the new all metal Whale Thruster II are now part of history as well, sinking after setting sail on its first combat mission with Captain Braveheart and his men. Reports of its sinking are now sealed in the regimental archives and the men involved sworn to secrecy regarding the whole incident.