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This day in history - 10:05:1268.4

10:05:1268.4 On this day the ‘Regiment’ suffered its darkest day - The passing of their founder and the Captain’s moral compass, Commander Alexander C. Braveheart. He died at the age of ninety-four a confused and weary man. He had been a military man with one goal in life, to serve his country. Like his son who followed him, his feelings of honour and service were gained from his father, Cuthbert Henry Braveheart, who served as a member of King Rufus the Expectant’s royal bodyguard, the Praetorian Guard. It was Cuthbert’s own sword passed from father to son, and then onto grandson, that was carried into battle by Earnest Braveheart in the Regiment’s first official action. Sadly the sword was lost during those adventures and the line to the Praetorian Guard broken. When he returned, Earnest commissioned a new blade in the same style as the original. He had the names of himself, his father and his grandfather engraved just below the hilt. And below that he added the official crest of the now disbanded Praetorian Guard, in honour of his grandfather.