Home of the Merry Hell Series of Books
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This day in history - 23.06.1263.4

On this day Dr. Lunious Lamebrain arrived home after a long day at the amputation clinic. He had personally overseen ninety-five limb amputations, whilst personally conducting twenty-seven himself. In fact, he had shaved almost thirty seconds of his personal best time. Hanging up his coat and wiping his brow, he made his way over to his cocktail cabinet. This had become a bit of a tradition. After particularly long days at the clinic, he would mix up a new cocktail recipe as a way to unwind. It seemed to be the only thing that helped chase away the echos of screaming that rang in his ears. Over the years, Dr. Lamebrain had acquired an impressive array of bottles, not all of them alcoholic. Some had a distinctly medicinal nature and smelled strongly of embalming fluid. This night the good doctor mixed up a pale brown mixture, calling it the ‘Oxymorphone-amytal-etomidate-butorphanol wallbanger’. Knocking back the evil concoction in one swift action, Dr. Lamebrain remained vertical just long enough to taste bitter almonds and garlic before collapsing in a heap on the floor. Mrs. Lamebrain discovered her husband snoring on the living room carpet later that night and had to slap him repeatedly before he came round. Dr. Lamebrain was hailed as a champion of modern medical practice, developing both the first general anaesthetic and an excellent tipple for medical student parties, when measured out in the correct doses that is.