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Strange thoughts

From time to time odd thoughts pop into my head.  I’m sure the same happens to you. I sit at traffic lights and ponder the universe; I stand immobile in the shower while my mind races; I sit bolt-upright in bed in the early morning, the white lighting or random thoughts still etched into my consciousness.  Here are a few of mine; some serious, some not so.

  • To a space dwelling species, I am a bottom feeding fish lurking at the lowest part of a dense oxygen/nitrogen sea. To them I’m little more than one step up from slime. Explains why we don’t get that many visitors

  • Air traffic control at the entrance to a bee hive must be a hell of a job. Hope the pay is good.

  • War is a terrible thing, but just imagine for a moment if all the wars in history never took place.  The place would be awfully crowded.

  • The human body runs on a nervous system that works by electricity. Tiny little currents whizzing all over the body. Question: Where are the body’s positive and negative terminals? For that matter does it run on AC or DC?

  • If nothing can move faster than light and the universe is 13.75 billion years old, how can it have a diameter of approximately 93 billion lightyears? I mean I know the accepted idea is that we exist in an expanding universe but that would mean the expansion grew faster than the speed of light.

  • Did the first person to invent the wheel feel really proud of themselves or was it just another day for them?

  • The chicken and egg question still annoys me.

  • Do we all see rough approximation of colours?  Do you see red the same as I do? For that matter do I see red properly or am I totally colour blind but can luckily distinguish each colour from the others so it doesn’t show?

  • People talk of terraforming Mars, putting back the atmosphere it lost billions of years ago. But science tells us that Mars lost its atmosphere because it wasn’t big enough to keep its core molten and spinning; thereby generating a magnetic shield and stopping the solar wind from stripping its atmosphere.  My question is this: If we spend a fortune in money and energy to pump gases back round the planet won’t it be a colossal waist of time as the solar wind will do the something all over again?

  • If you could see wifi, what would it look like?

  • If electrons exist in the quantum realm, being nowhere and everywhere at the same time, how the heck do computers work? You’d have thought they’d have a hell of a time discerning where a byte of information was to be at anyone moment.

  • When the early bridge builders started using iron do you think they did all the necessary calculations covering stress, wind, fatigue, point loading etc., or do you think they ‘whacked’ on a bit more metal just to be sure?

  • Roman roads were straight but before they existed it was very difficult to travel large distances. Do you think they knew where they were going before they started laying the roadway or did they just start pushing forward and hoped like hell the new street would end up somewhere interesting.

  • In Egypt there’s a pyramid called the Meidum Pyramid, sometimes referred to as the collapsed pyramid.  It’s a sorry sight, (I’ve stood next to it), and is said to have collapsed shortly before completion due to the sloping angle of the sides being too steep.  I’ve always wondered what happened to the ancient architect that had to report back to his pharaoh and tell him about the calamitous event.  Something pretty damned horrible if you ask me.

Of course, all these questions could be utterly pointless as this could all just be a simulation of life, existing in a big-arse computer.  I hope not.