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This day in history - 08:04:0897.4

08:04:0891.4 On this day The fifth legion disappeared without trace.  The legion was sent into newly discovered lands beyond Skog and were meant to search the lands for treasure and slaves.  Today, nothing is known about their fate, and to this day their disappearance has remained a mystery. Some people believe that the earth cracked open and swallowed them up whole. Others believe that they were waylaid by barbarian hordes and were slaughtered to a man.  Others believe that what really happened was that the soldiers got tired of marching, Gurden army boots being particularly poor at the time. They then sold their armour and weaponry, settling down in a remote forest and using the money to attract a wives and buy a farm.  To this day it is not known if any of these stories are correct, although evidence does exist that peoples in the far north of Skog have particularly pale skin and very flat feet.