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This day in history - 08:03:1148.4

08:03:1148.4 On this day the Battle of Serenity, Peace and Calm took place outside the Gurdendorf city gates.  Present were six of the largest and most devout religions in the castle.  They were the Enlightened Monks of Ooo, the Three Day Eventing followers of Palatuae, the Martyrites, the Brethren of the Three Miracles, the Congregation of Larres and, of course, Sid. Each had laid claim to being the senior religion of the castle and by that right the one to supply the new Archbishop and religious advisor to the king.  As with all religions in the land, it was seen as right and proper that such men and women of enlightenment and equanimity should settle the argument by armed combat.  The resulting battle was one of the most bloodiest in Gurdendorf’s history and, in itself, led to the creation of three further sects, all of whom demanded the right to put forward a challenger to the position of Archbishop.  In the end, by a process of religious attrition and mindless violence, the church of Sid won the right, putting forward Deacon Pius the fourth to take up the position; a man of such ancient years that he only just outlasted his own investiture. Therein, the post has become a somewhat sticky issue for the clergy.  It is said that many are in favour of a re-match but this time with much pointier swords.