Home of the Merry Hell Series of Books
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This day in history - 19:03:1220.4

19:03:1220.4 On this day a young boy was born in the castle Gurdendorf.  This boy would eventually grow up to become Mucus Slime. There was once a rumour that his real name was Marcus Simes, but school children can be harsh at the best of times and even if it were true, the shouts of ‘Mucus Slime is a  dirty snotty ratbag’ rang around the playground.  Loathed by his parents and shunned by society, Slime was destined to wither into obscurity, until that is, he befriended one Caractacus Grypp and followed him on a journey to conquer the heights of Gurden society.

 Nearly fifty years on, Slime’s rise to power came to an abrupt halt when he was sent out on a mission to follow Captain Earnest Braveheart and his men towards the Bloody Empire. Since that moment his life has been reduced to a never-ending battle for survival and revenge, interspersed with moments of terror, agony and singed eyebrows.

“In 1269, an insanely jealous secret intelligence officer was sent to prison by a military court for a crime he most certainly committed. He promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Gurdendorf underground. Today, still wanted by the government, he survives as a figure of malice and ridicule. If you have a problem... if no one else can help... and if you can find him... maybe you to, can punch Mucus Slime in the face" - People would probably thank you.