Home of the Merry Hell Series of Books
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A right royal pain in the bum

Oh Joy! Oh rapturous delight. Oh thanks be to the gods Gaea & Asclepius. After two and a half months of pain and discomfort my sciatica has decided to go on holiday. For how long? I can’t tell but be sure it will return. However,  while it is away I will most assuredly play.

Sciatica, surely a gift from one of the more mischievous gods, (Loki comes to mind but that would be mixing ethereal plains) is a truly miserable affliction for a writer. When your world revolves around sitting in a chair all day trying to maintain a certain level of concentration, it is with a certain level of depression that you have a constant stabbing pain that, quite literally, is a pain in the bum.

But today I am free. Why? One moment it was there, the next it had evaporated into thin air. Oh, it’ll be back, of that I am sure but, today, dear reader you can be assured is a good day.