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This day in history - 24:01:1117.4

24:01:1117.4 On this day the final ever game of Muder Ball was finished.  The game had been going on for seven hundred and thirty five days.  It was played by the out-lying villages scattered around Gurdendorf Castle, and was a very simple one.  A large wooden ball, about five feet in diameter, was placed equidistant between two villages.  The simple aim was for one group of villagers to roll the ball into the opposing village’s square. There were little or no rules. The first group to do so, won the game.  It was a game with a proud history, one of ancient lineage, but also a game of extreme violence.  This final game of Muder Ball had to be halted when the death-toll became too high, and was declared a draw by one of the few men still standing.  Many a man today has a tear in his eye when he thinks back to that last game of Muder Ball, although that may be caused by splinters. The loss of the sport was a heavy burden to shoulder, some saying it was the end of an era. Others say, usually the wives, that it was about time they got back to doing a decent day’s work for a change.