Home of the Merry Hell Series of Books
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This day in history - 06:12:1211.4

06:12:1211.4 On this day Sergeant Maxwell Diddley was born to Emelda and Hapworth Diddley,  and pronounced by the midwife as the heaviest baby she had ever delivered, weighing in at an eye-watering twenty-one pounds. A travelling soothsayer, who always had the knack of turning up in the street whenever a baby was born, announced that the young Maxwell would lead a charmed life full of wine, women and song.  Sergeant Diddley’s parents being strict authoritarians of the first enlightened chapter, scorned this soothsayer, throwing him from the house.  They had previously decided that if their baby was a boy then he would go into the church, like his uncle Ozric. Not much is known of the soothsayer but local rumours say he scratched a mystic rune above the lintel, cursing the family.  What that curse was, no one quite knew, but as the young Maxwell grew up he seemed to follow a different path to the wishes of his parents, a path full of the wine, women and song foretold at his birth. It is said that his parents departed this world thoroughly annoyed, vowing to hunt down the spirit of the soothsayer.