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This day in history - 08:12:1123.4

08:12:1123.4 On this day the Great Candle Famine of Gurden was declared officially over.  Gurdendorf struggled through it for over seven months; the Empire having blockaded Chen Bo, a city which jealously guarded its secrets to producing the high-grade of candles Gurden had become accustomed to.  For years Gurden had purchased Chen Bo candles by the shipload and, when the blockade came, found that they were lacking in the knowledge to manufacture their own candles.  The famine lasted seven months. It was said by some of their neighbours, that the kingdom spent the intervening time scrabbling around in the dark, unable to find their own arses with a map.  Strangely, the rate of new births recorded at this time quadrupled over a seven month period, but this was put down to a statistical anomaly.