Home of the Merry Hell Series of Books
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Blast it!

So if you’ve taken a saunter around my website, and I highly recommend you do, you’ll notice that I’m currently working on the second book in the Merry Hell series, called Blast.  But in the months leading up to the Launch of book one, Havoc, I put Blast onto the back-burner.  I needed to concentrate all my energies getting that book to press, and it took a lot I can tell you. Thankfully most of that is now behind me and I’m back to writing Blast. 

Interestingly, I took the opportunity to re-examine my plan for the book.  I always write out multiple drafts of the plan before sitting down to write.   A couple of things leaped out that weren’t right, whist chapter two needed to be totally re-worked.  By taking time off from Blast, it allowed me to come back to the project with a free mind and I now feel the story is in much better shape.  I’m currently nearing the end of chapter five with the next chapter looming large in the near distance.  The one thing I have noticed is, after all the launch stuff for Havoc, it is a joy to get back to just writing again.  Letting the imagination just flow is a joy.

So when will further details surface? I can't be sure, but I’m charging ahead at full steam. You should expect further details sooner rather than later.  But for now, you’ll just have to sit and squirm.  If you want any other tidbits then I recommend you take a look at the Blast Previz page for hints as to where book two is headed.  Bon voyage! (Hint)